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WW1 German U-boat in the news - UB-122

Almost the whole of Stoke Saltings, including the site of this U-boat, is in the ownership of the Kent Wildfowling and Conservation Association (KWCA).

Whilst we are aware that the U-boat is currently generating a good deal of media interest, we would like to point out that any access to the U-boat site should be strictly with the permission of the KWCA.
The land, as well as being privately owned, has many tidal creeks and mud flats, and access is extremely hazardous.

The Kent Wildfowlers' land is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest and landing without permission risks a breach of the Wildlife & Countryside Act, and indeed other environmental legislation.

Anyone wishing to seek permission to visit the site should contact the KWCA via email:

This is most likely the WW1 wreck of the German U-boat UB-122.

Surrendered at the end of World War 1, it was taken to Halling on the River Medway to have its diesel engines removed. Whilst being towed back down the river, it is believed that its tow broke and it was swept into Humble Bee Creek on Stoke Salting where it has remained on full view ever since.

Although the hull appears to be practically intact, it is an empty shell with its entire interior stripped for scrap at the end of the war; its conning tower and some deck sections removed for easy access.
Today, the hull is in a dangerous condition, broken, corroded and in a state of collapse.

Incidentally, during World War II it was joined by another German casualty of war.
A downed Messerschmitt 109 lies not far away, buried in the mouth of the same creek.